Our Guiding Principles

“The world will be saved by beauty.”

So said the great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and we agree. Whether it’s the deep stillness of a Canadian lake, the flash of brilliant green from a resplendent quetzal or the gritty realness of downtown Mexico City, we are here to celebrate beauty in all its forms. We also can’t abide bad taste, and if they can’t take the time to get it right, you aren’t going (at least not with us).

High quality but not exclusive

Yes, travel is expensive, but we strongly believe that the more people who can experience the world’s beauty (nature and human) , the better chance we have of saving it. There’s a fine art to curating spectacular + affordable trips, and we are experts.

Being active is to be in balance

Every karibu trip has an active adventure component. Why? Because nothing beats experiencing the natural world by being fully and actively immersed in it. It’s good for you, and cruising along the coast just doesn’t cut it. We need balance for the health of the planet, and for our own wellbeing.

Travel, not trample

All too often, travel does more harm than good. Our goal is to contribute to protecting the pristine and unique nature of the places we visit, and the cultures and communities with whom we engage. That’s why we started karibu, and we believe that if done right, we can make a difference.

No time for tokenism

Part of the beauty of travel is the opportunity to learn from and connect with people from other cultures and backgrounds. But it’s important how you do that. As a proud Canadian company, we subscribe to partnering with indigenous and local communities in the spirit of true reconciliation and economic inclusion.  

Our Adventures

  • Italy Like You’ve Never Seen It

    Hiking the Alta Valsesia
    7 days from CAD $4,850 or US $3,650

  • Big, Bold, Beautiful Ontario

    Canoeing the Canadian Shield
    6 days from CAD $2,800 or US $2,055

  • Wild, Sublime Vancouver Island

    Kayaking, Killer Whales & the Kwakwaka'wakw
    7 days from CAD $5,650 or US $4,200

  • Discover Exotic Dominica

    Volcanoes, Hiking and Rainforest Foraging
    8 days from CAD $5,830 or US $4,420

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